52 Pillars: Building Me. My Family. & My Career

52 Pillars: Building Me. My Family. & My Career


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Some psychological studies have shown it takes at least seven (7) times to make something a habit or even get something into your memory. This book is a tool to help you form great character habits and new thought patterns in all areas of your life SO THEY STICK.This book is a bridge between where you are in your life today and the victory you want to see. I see in my life everyday how this very book helps me focus on the right things and dominate life. It can do the same for you if you commit to bring yourself into a new place of habit. I believe you can and will do it. Here's how.Take each principle and focus on it for seven (7) days straight. Read THE SAME section each day for seven days and make notes daily on what comes to your mind on the changes you need to make. Look up all the light sabers at the bottom of each page and ready them DAILY. This will help create a habit of thinking in each area of your life which you can work on meditate on and grow in your life. BUT if you are struggling in a certain area listed in this book don't go in order. Go right to that subject and study it so you can use your weapons immediately to grow in that area.

Paperback: 116 pages

Publisher: David Pileggi (October 10 2019)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 057859322X

ISBN-13: 978-0578593227

Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 0.2 x 8.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 5.1 ounces

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