1-2 Kings. 1-2 Chronicles. Ezra. Nehemiah. Esther (Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture)

1-2 Kings. 1-2 Chronicles. Ezra. Nehemiah. Esther (Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture)


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The church fathers as they did in earlier books dealing with Israel's history from the time of Joshua to the united monarchy found ample material for typological and moral interpretation in 1-2 Kings 1-2 Chronicles Ezra Nehemiah and Esther. As will be immediately clear to readers of this volume they gave much more attention to 1-2 Kings than to any of the other books addressed here; whether this was due to a certain repetitiveness in the story line or other reasons is unclear. But the narratives of wise King Solomon the construction of the temple the prophets Elijah and Elisha and the fates of various faithful and unfaithful kings and other powerful people were well suited to their purposes. Among Greek commentators in this collection readers will find Justin Martyr Clement of Alexandria Origen Methodius Eusebius of Caesarea Athanasius Cyril of Jerusalem Basil the Great Gregory of Nazianzus John Chrysostom Cyril of Alexandria Theodoret of Cyr Procopius of Gaza and John the Monk. Among Latin commentators are Tertullian Cyprian Novatian Lactantius Ambrose Jerome Prudentius Augustine Paulinus of Nola John Cassian Peter Chrysologus Maximus of Turin Salvian the Presbyter Fulgentius of Ruspe Caesarius of Arles Gregory the Great Bede and Rabanus Maurus. Syriac commentators include Aphrahat Ephrem Sahdona Isaac of Nineveh and Isho'dad of Merv. Together they set before readers a table of delights and theological insights some of which are here available to English readers for the first time.

Series: Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture (Book 5)

Hardcover: 450 pages

Publisher: IVP Academic; 1st edition (June 21 2008)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0830814752

ISBN-13: 978-0830814756

Product Dimensions: 7 x 1.6 x 10 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.4 pounds

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