Commentary on Hebrews (Biblical Theology for Christian Proclamation)

Commentary on Hebrews (Biblical Theology for Christian Proclamation)


Regular price $40.40 Sale

The Biblical Theology for Christian Proclamation Commentary series explores the theology of the Bible in considerable depth spanning both Testaments. Authors come from a variety of backgrounds and perspectives though all affirm the inerrancy and inspiration of Scripture. United in their belief in the underlying unity of Scripture each author explores the contribution of a given book or group of books to the theology of Scripture as a whole. All volumes provide a discussion of introductory matters including the book’s historical setting and the literary structure. Also included is an exegetical treatment of all the relevant passages in succinct commentary-style format. The major contribution of each volume however is a thorough discussion of the most important themes of the biblical book in relation to the canon as a whole.
Series: Biblical Theology for Christian Proclamation (Book 36)

Hardcover: 560 pages

Publisher: Holman Reference (February 1 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0805496130

ISBN-13: 978-0805496130

Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 1.3 x 8.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds

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